Saturday, November 5, 2011

Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae

 Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae

Well, I am stumped. Is this really a song, or a cruel joke by an angry god. The lyrics make me wish I were Bukowski, lost in a daze of "forget me juice".  I think it pains me that this song could be played on a regular basis.

"Moves Like Jagger" - Maroon 5

When this came up for my review, I was so excited.  See I (as any music lover) have a major man-crush on Mick.  He is everything music should be: Timeless, invigorating, stylish, and unique.  Then I realized that I hate Maroon 5.  Bad name for a band, bad poppy sound.  They are not my cup of tea (or Bourbon depending on the occasion).

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Many have accused me of being a music snob. This may or may not be true. In order to be the latter, I will be listening to, and reviewing, a song a day. To further chronicle my expected emotional and musical journey, I will be reflecting on my day through song.